Zipfyr - Jia Jie Chen



  • Do you think you can handle high-low with random playing cards? No?
  • Then try guessing which English words have a higher or lower word frequency than the other.
  • Two words will be generated by a random English word API.
  • If the words are found and have exact matches in the Datamuse API, then the round begins.
  • After the player picks which word might be used more frequently in the English language, the Datamuse API will be called to retrieve the word frequency.
  • If the word you pick is indeed used more frequently in the English language, your correct score will go up by 1.
  • If the word you pick is indeed used less frequently in the English language, your incorrect score will go up by 1.
  • If in the rare instance that both words happen to have the same word frequency, a tie will be recorded.

Disclaimer: 18+. NSFW terms may appear.

Note: Please be advised that there may be certain instances where clicking "Start" will not work when loading the game the first time around. If this issue arises, please refresh the page and try playing again. This may be a browser issue.


For the best mobile experience, play in Landscape Mode!

Best played on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for desktop or mobile!

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